The CCTU was established in 2011 to lead studies that translate the extensive scientific advances provided by Cambridge Science into clinical application. CCTU is a fully registered CTU and is hosted at as part of the Cambridge BRC.
Translational Research Delivery
Our aim is to accelerate the development of innovative new therapies, diagnostics and measurement techniques, by capitalizing on the unique translational opportunities at Cambridge BRC.
We aim to drive the design and delivery of pioneering translational studies to the highest international quality through interaction/collaboration with basic scientists, the NHS, BRC and Industry Partners.
The CCTU collaborates with investigators in the conduct of Drug trials (CTIMPs), Medical device trials, Mechanistic and physiological research studies, Observational studies and Qualitative research.
Our portfolio ranges from single-centre to multi-centre, national to international, phase II to phase IV drug trials, as well as other randomised control trials and well-designed studies. The CCTU also provides quality assurance, as delegated by sponsors, for routine monitoring and central trial oversight.
Chief Investigators span many disciplines:
- Oncology
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Infection and Immunity
- Paediatrics
- Neurology
- Neurosciences
- Trauma
- Imaging
- Surgery
- Peri-operative Care
Leadership in Trial Design
The CCTU has demonstrable expertise in managing early to late phase clinical trials.
We are committed to developing, and applying innovative clinical trial methodologies, to make trials more efficient and to provide better-informed and earlier go-no-go decisions.
Our objective is to be at the forefront of design and development of novel early phase/experimental studies to support our translational objective.
We work in partnership with the MRC Biostatistics Hub, UKCRC working groups, and NIHR Statistics Group to innovate and disseminate. To increase trial efficiency we will continue to develop our expertise in electronic health records, disease registries, routine data sources and patient self-reports.
Our trials
The CCTU collaborates with investigators in the conduct of CTIMPs, non-CTIMPs, and medical device trials. We assist trial teams and investigators with grant proposals for NIHR and Welcome Trust calls. Our portfolio ranges from single-centre to multi-centre, national to international, phase II to phase IV drug trials, as well as other randomised control trials and well-designed studies. The CCTU also provides quality assurance, as delegated by sponsors, for routine monitoring and central trial oversight.
This unit previously received NIHR CTU Support Funding. This funding has been awarded to support the unit in developing and supporting NIHR trials.

CCTU is a UK Clinical Research Collaboration registered clinical trials unit and receives NIHR support funding.