A multi-centre, open label Phase I/randomised Phase II study of VP-002, a C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) inhibitor, given orally in combination with nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine (nPG) to patients with advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

Research summary

CRISTAL-APC is a clinical trial led by Cambridge University Hospitals and the University of Cambridge. This trial aims to study whether VP-002 can be combined with chemotherapy to improve its effectiveness for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer (mPDA). 


Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive form of cancer associated with poor survival. Patients with mPDA are generally treated with chemotherapy if they are fit enough, but even with this their average life expectancy is under 1 year, so improvements in treatment are much needed. 

VP-002 is a drug which can affect chemicals and cells within the immune system and the environment around the cancer cells by blocking a protein called CCR1 receptor. In laboratory models of mPDA. VP-002 can slow down cancer growth, especially when combined with chemotherapy. This drug has been tested previously in humans, but not in patients with mPDA and not in combination with chemotherapy.

The trial will combine VP-002 with two chemotherapies which are both standard treatments given to patients to treat their mPDA, called nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine. The chemotherapies are given as a drip into the vein (infusion) every week, for three in every four weeks. VP-002 is taken as a tablet twice a day.

In total, 120 patients will be treated on the trial across the United Kingdom at several hospitals. The study has two phases. In Phase I, the goal is to work out the best doses of VP-002 and the chemotherapies together. In Phase II, the goal is to assess how well this new combination of VP-002 when given chemotherapy works compared to the standard chemotherapies without VP-002.

In the Phase I trial, everyone will be allocated to a particular dose of VP-002 and the chemotherapy drugs. Different doses will be tried in different patients to recommend one by checking for any side effects, and for any signs of cancer shrinkage and survival. Patients will be asked about their health and symptoms, and we will look for changes in blood tests. We will measure tumour sizes using imaging scans and where possible, look for changes inside the cancer itself by taking biopsies. We will be monitoring patients closely throughout the treatment; this will involve extra tests and visits to hospital, but the goal is to catch any side effects so they can be managed early.

In the Phase II trial, participants will be randomly split into two groups: some will receive nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine chemotherapies that are used in standard care; the others will receive the chemotherapy drugs and also VP-002. This choice will be selected by a computer. Treatment will be given for 6 months initially and can treat for more than this (up to a year) depending on benefit and how treatment is tolerated. Treatment may stop early if the drugs are causing bad side effects or not helping shrink the cancer. Anyone on the trial will be free to stop at any time and can withdraw information about themselves from the study.

After all the patients in the trial have finished treatment, the two groups will be compared to see how they are doing and whether the addition of the VP-002 makes any difference. If the addition of VP-002 to nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine looks more effective than just the standard chemotherapies alone, then the new combination may be further tested in larger studies to see whether it could become a new and approved option for treating patients with mPDA.

Main inclusion criteria

  • Histologically or cytologically (based on local assessment and per local guidelines) confirmed PDAC and variants. Either of the following: 
    • Adenosquamous carcinoma 
    • Ductal adenocarcinoma 
    • Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) with an associated invasive carcinoma 
    • Mucinous adenocarcinoma, 
    • Mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) with an associated invasive carcinoma, 
    • Undifferentiated carcinoma 
  • Aged 18 years and over 
  • Radiologically confirmed stage IV disease 
  • Measurable disease by RECIST version 1.1
  • If patient has received prior radiotherapy to the lesion, it should have progressed since irradiation to be included as a measurable lesion 
  • ECOG PS 0 or 1 
  • Estimated life expectancy ≥12 weeks at screening 
  • Adequate bone marrow function
  • Adequate liver function
  • Adequate renal function
  • Women of childbearing potential (WoCBP), male participants and their partners are required, and must be willing, to use 1 highly effective form PLUS 1 effective form of contraception for the duration of the trial and for six (6) months after the completion of the trial treatment. Patient is willing and able to comply with the visit schedule outlined in the protocol for the duration of the trial 
  • Absence of any psychological, familial, sociological or geographical condition potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol and follow-up schedule; those conditions should be discussed with the patient before registration in the trial 
  • Have given written informed consent 
  • Be enrolled/registered in the Precision-Panc Master Protocol study 

Inclusion Criteria – Phase I Specific 

In addition to the inclusion criteria for Phase I and Phase II in Section 8.1 above: 

  • Tumour site amenable to biopsy 
  • Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel deemed reasonable treatment or re-treatment options: 
  • have not received it previously OR 
  • have received it previously and tolerated treatment without significant dose reductions 
  • Confirmation of adequate tumour tissue sample: Archival tissue if taken within 8 weeks with no intervening therapy and the site must confirm if >100 cells are present in the sample, or a baseline tumour biopsy. 

Inclusion Criteria – Phase II Specific 

  • Received no prior systemic therapy for stage IV disease; or received prior systemic anti-cancer therapy as neo-adjuvant or adjuvant therapy AND such treatment was completed at least 6 months previously. 
  • Confirmation of adequate tumour tissue sample: Archival tissue within 2 years of study entry. This can include a primary resection specimen, or consented for baseline tumour biopsy, or a baseline tumour biopsy. 

Main exclusion criteria

  • Patients with operable or locally advanced PDAC.
  • Other invasive malignancies with the exception of adequately treated carcinoma in situ of the cervix or non-melanoma skin cancer. Cancer survivors who have undergone potentially curative treatment for a prior malignancy, have no recurrence within the last 2 years and are deemed at negligible risk for recurrence are eligible for trial.
  • Significant acute or chronic medical or psychiatric condition, disease or laboratory abnormality which in the judgment of the investigator would place the patient at undue risk or interfere with the trial. Women who are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are lactating during the trial period. 
  • Resting ECG with mean QTc interval of >480ms msec (confirmation of any prolongation to be used based on the average QT interval by Fridericia (QTcF) value of 3 reads within a 30-minute time period). Concomitant use of medications known to prolong QT interval, or with factors that increase the risk of QTc prolongation or risk of arrhythmic events (such as heart failure, hypokalaemia, congenital long QT syndrome, family history of long QT syndrome), or unexplained sudden death under 40 years of age. Inability to discontinue medication with agents designated as having a risk of Torsades de Pointes due to QT prolongation (see Appendix 4) 
  • Concurrent treatment in an interventional clinical trial (observational studies and follow up on CTIMPs are allowed) 
  • Patients that have not been enrolled onto the Precision Panc Master Protocol 

Exclusion Criteria – Phase I Specific 

  • Any unresolved toxic effects Grade ≥2 according to NCI CTCAE v 5.0 from prior chemotherapy administered for locally advanced or metastatic disease (with the exception of alopecia, Gr 2 peripheral neuropathy and haemoglobin ≥90g/L with no blood transfusions in the preceding 28 days 

Exclusion Criteria – Phase II Specific 

  • Prior chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. 
  • Any unresolved toxic effects Grade ≥2 according to NCI CTCAE v 5.0 from previous treatment for cancer (adjuvant or neoadjuvant) before randomization, except for alopecia, grade 2 peripheral neuropathy, and haemoglobin level ≥100 g/L, with no blood transfusions in the preceding 28 days.

This is not an exhaustive list. Please refer to CRISTAL-APC protocol for more details.

Chief investigator

Chief Investigator: Dr Bristi Basu

Contact details

Clinical Trials Coordinator: CRISTAL-APC Trial Coordinator
Email: [email protected]