A new trial is taking place at Addenbrooke’s Hospital to test whether COVID-19 patients with weak immune systems have a better chance of survival if they are injected with plasma from people who have successfully recovered from the virus.
The trial will examine whether antibody rich plasma, known as ‘convalescent plasma’ can be given to people who are struggling to develop an immune response to the illness. Scientists want to discover whether this treatment would improve a COVID-19 patient’s speed of recovery and chances of survival.
The clinical trial is being run nationally by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). Although there is some evidence of patient benefit, it will seek to confirm the safety and effectiveness of convalescent plasma transfusions. If successful, the plasma has the added benefit of being freezable, so donations can be stockpiled ahead of a potential second wave.
For more information visit: CUH News
Published June 8, 2020
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